After two years in the planning, it was only a 3 day job, like the Resurrection. Have missed out on picking up many of the seedlings I would've like to have planted (do have a Thai Basil that might go on). I'm going to transplant my underperforming Lemon tree inside...quietly cutting the roots through.
The frame was built around two existing plants, a Jerusalem artichoke and a rhubarb. The lemon tree will go where that compost is lying.
Feared the worst after hearing of nor-west gusts and hail storms but the garden survived largely intact. In fact the worse problem is some signs of virus on my kamo kamo (possibly picked up from a neighbouring courgette plant).
Here's a picture of a small kamo kamo. Ready for picking and a light boil and served up with taewa ... I have huakaroro this season)(and yes, the afficianado would insist on pata and tote).